
HotStone Client Config

import { HotStoneClient } from 'hotstone-client'
// ...
const hotstoneURL = 'http://localhost:8089'
const clientKey = 'Otdu1qe.A5eKbNQ3Kj26kiTQmwWAmzaQGk5uYmSI'
const fetchOpts = { cacheManager: `./hotstone-local-cache` } // enable local cache
const client = new HotStoneClient(hotstoneURL, clientKey, fetchOpts)
// ...


  • hotstoneURL: URL of HotStone Provider
  • clientKey: To interact with HotStone Provider, it needs client key. Get client key from HotStone UI / Dashboard on menu Client Keys


Fetch Config: fetchOpts

We can pass extra fetch options to get additional features.

Set Timeout

const fetchOpts = { timeout: 30 * 1000 } // in ms

Local Caching

Local caching with cache directory ./hotstone-local-cache

const fetchOpts = { cacheManager: `./hotstone-local-cache` }

Caching with Redis

import RedisCache from './redis-cache'

const fetchOpts = { cacheManager: new RedisCache({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379, password: 'redispass' }) }
// redis-cache.js
import bluebird from 'bluebird'
import redis from 'redis'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'


export default class RedisCache {
    constructor(opts) {
        this.redis = redis.createClient(opts)
        this.redis.on("error", function(err) {
            console.error("redis-cache error: ", err)
    async match(req) {
        const res = await this.redis.getAsync(req.url)
        if (res) {
            const parsed = JSON.parse(res)
            return new fetch.Response(parsed.body, {
                url: req.url,
                headers: parsed.headers,
                status: 200

    async put(req, res) {
        const body = await res.text()
        await this.redis.setAsync(req.url, JSON.stringify({
            body: body,
            headers: res.headers.raw()

        return new fetch.Response(body, {
            url: req.url,
            headers: res.headers,
            status: res.status
    'delete'(req) {
        return this.redis.unlinkAsync(req.url)